Fischer & Fischer
For almost half a billion years, mother nature has compressed and shaped soil into solid rock. Soil from an era much earlier than the dinosaurs has been gently forged over aeons into a rock that itself is now known for its beauty and timelessness…. slate.
Fischer & Fischer, a specialist high-end loudspeaker company from Fredeburg, a beautiful town set deep in the German countryside east from Dortmund, never set out to use slate as the material for their cabinets. They simply looked for the most suitable material and discovered that slate had some extraordinary sonic characteristics. Building loudspeakers with natural slate cabinets provides many advantages due to its unique acoustic properties. Slate cabinets do not vibrate and absorb energy, thus making available maximum energy for the speaker to incite the surrounding air. The audible outcome is startling – greater dynamics, clarity and a fidelity richer in nuances and detail. Visually, these loudspeakers have a presence and elegance that exudes craftsmanship and technical perfection. We invite you to listen to the difference and enjoy the natural sound radiating from these beautiful pieces of sculpture.