GigaWatt was founded in 2007 by Adam Schubert – an electronics engineer and audio passionate. However the roots of the company reach the year 1998, when a small company, Power Audio Laboratories was created. That company dealt with power filtration, and Adam Schubert was its co-founder and main constructor. The immediate cause for the founding of the company was insufficient availability of high quality power accessories, that would satisfy the highest expectations of the clients. A detailed analysis of the marked showed, that similar products coming from competitors are often priced too high compared to their effectiveness and manufacturing quality. Passion for music, together with an ongoing aspiration for perfect sound and picture, were the inspiration to start research on impact of power noise on function of audio-video gear. However combining the hobby with commercial activity required a substantial increase of technical knowledge in a very narrow expertise field. Many months of education, laborious observations and analysis of measurements resulted in creating a solid basis for creating technological documentation and starting a small series, but repeatable manufacturing. The prototype of the first power conditioner, which was first designed to protect a private system, quickly gained appreciation among closest friends. The turning point was the Audio Show 2002, which made the company become wider known on the audio market. Enthusiastic reception by clients intensified the work towards further growth of the company and increasing of production capabilities. A direct consequence of this was the separation of the research center from the construction part and creation of an autonomic brand – GigaWatt.