The history of the hORNS brand is connected with a love to unusual sound and non-standard design. As a music lover, I have been looking for my sound for many years. Understanding the importance of individual approaching and continuously searching for new solutions found its vent in events in 2006. During searching for the ideal equipment for my space and my requirements, I realized that finding A proper set is nowadays a great challenge. Set, which would live up to all my needs and, of course, would be affordable.

My professional experience, which has been gained since the year 2000, connected with creating products made of various materials, inspired my imagination to an unusual, new brand. Brand, which, thanks to its new features and so far rarely used materials, would let obtain still unknown abilities of sound. It was the beginning of the first loudhailers and the next loudhailer’s systems by hORNS.


  • Audio Lounge Leicester
    01455 715300
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Phone: 01455 715300