JPS Labs

Celebrating our 30th Anniversary, JPS Labs LLC designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes very specialized audio products, including high performance analog and digital audio cable products, the world's highest performance headphones under the ABYSS® and DIANA® brands, and associated accessories.

Extensive R&D over many years within the areas of metallurgy and materials science combined with a deep understanding of the propagation of energy has allowed us to hone in on specific methods in creating unique combinations of materials and topologies specifically optimized for high resolution audio.

These trade secrets combined with our extensive knowledge of the consumer electronics industry, product designs, long-term trends, successes, and failures, allows JPS Labs to produce forward thinking designs that deliver the highest quality reproduction of music.

Our decades of knowledge are transferable to any design where signal resolution or preservation is critical to success, and where product differentiation increases market dominance and top brand recognition. We concentrate our experience in very narrow areas of engineering design textually unavailable and on weaknesses most would ignore or overlook.