
We are here to create better quality audio and video products because of the same vision and deep cultivation here. Each of us is part of the product, the key puzzle behind the MAGNETAR brand.


    Much Life Left for Physical Media, as Magnetar Audio Moves to Indi Imports

    Magnetar, the Hong Kong-based manufacturer of Blu-ray players often regarded as the Phoenix that rose from...

    Posted in: Home Theatre | Industry


    Magnetar UDP800 Universal Blu-Ray Disc Player Review

    Tony O’Brien spins up a seriously capable new universal 4K Blu-ray player…...

    Posted in: Applause Awards | 2023 | Sources | Blu-ray Players | Home Theatre


    There’s a new 4K UHD Blu-ray Player in town!

    There's still a lot of love left for physical media, particularly for the quality that can be achieved from...

    Posted in: Home Theatre | Industry