
The name Merason was chosen as it describes the companies approach and philosophy perfectly. ‘Mera’ means unique, and ‘son’ sound. Combined they form Merason or ‘Unique Sound’

Handcrafted in Worb, Switzerland, with the greatest possible care, Daniel Frauchiger and his Team at Merason craft some exceptional products. Merason’s goal from the beginning was to create very analogue-sounding DACs that perform well above their respective price points; they have more than met that brief, exceeding it by a large margin.


    Merason frérot DAC Review

    David Price is more than a little surprised by this small Swiss digital-to-analogue converter…...

    Posted in: Hi-Fi


    Merason Announces pow1 Linear PSU

    Swiss hi-fi company, Merason, has announced the availability of its new linear power supply....

    Posted in: Hi-Fi