Music First Audio

Music First Audio is owned completely by Mr Jonathan Billington of Stevens & Billington Limited ( a small, specialist audio transformer winding business formed in 1963 by Mr Stevens & Mr Billington. The company produced transformers and other wire wound components for the professional audio, broadcast and Hi Fi industries.

Jonathan Billington took over the family business in 1986 having finished Polytechnic with a degree in electronics and communications engineering (specialising in acoustics) and a deep rooted love of music. He set about improving the quality of the product and Stevens & Billington Limited was soon able to count The BBC, Soundcraft, The Royal Opera House, The House of commons and countless other highly respected organisations among it’s customers.

Stevens & Billington Limited (and Music First Audio) comprises a small but highly skilled and dedicated team who share a passion for music and a devotion to excellence. The TX 102 transformer which lies at the heart of the Music First Audio preamplifier is the result of 40 plus years of transformer design focused on one product. It is the fruit of almost three months of constant redesign and perfection where listening test and measurement followed adjustment after adjustment as the final product was honed for it’s purpose.


    Music First Audio Transformer Isolation Box Review

    This little box of audiophile tricks beguiles James Michael Hughes…

    Posted in: Hi-Fi