Norma Audio Electronics

Norma is based in Cremona, a place where music has always played an important role. Cremona is the home of Monteverdi, Ponchielli, Stradivari, Amati and many other artists. For more than 20 years Norma has been involved in the study and implementation of sophisticated audio amplifiers. Technical skill and musical sensitivity must be merged together, in the same way in which the best musical instruments are made. In Norma we are convinced that the influence of audio electronics on the outcome of audio reproduction is much greater than commonly assumed…


    Norma Audio Revo IPA-140 Integrated Amplifier Review

    Mark Gusew thinks this exquisite Italian amplifier is almost a latter-day Stradivarius…...

    Posted in: Hi-Fi | StereoLUX!


    Monitor Audio Bronze 50 Standmount Loudspeakers Review

    Stephen Dawson samples the latest sixth generation of this popular budget box…

    Posted in: Hi-Fi