Pear Audio Analogue

Peter Mezek is a passionate music lover, who’s been professionally involved with music, hi-fi equipment and turntables for nearly 40 years. Analogue turntables were always his passion, whether it was the famous Linn Lp 12, which Peter distributed until the late 80s, or Well Tempered turntables, which he also distributed for many years.

In 1985, Peter developed his own first product, Rational Audio TT, designed by Jiri Janda, with a parallel tracking tonearm, which received a lot of attention and got very enthusiastic reviews. The turntable was build in Czechoslovakia exclusively for Peter’s company and featured many interesting and innovative technical solutions.

Since the 80s, Peter Mezek have handled literally thousands of turntables from top manufacturers, discovering the secrets behind the designs and hearing how minute improvements, or tiny tweaks, might improve the performance of a turntable.

However, it was Tom Fletcher and his approach to turntable design that most influenced Peter.  On Tom Fletcher's turntables, Peter discovered previously unheard layers in the music, which no other deck could reveal, and with such amazing musicality and realism.

When Well Tempered was sold to new owners and spare parts became unavailable, Tom Fletcher stepped in to help Peter.  Tom Fletcher designed and built a turntable for Peter, and thus Pear Audio Blue was born.  At that time, it was still produced at the old Nottingham Analogue factory.  Working closely together for many years, Tom Fletcher shared his design secrets and technology with Peter.  Before Tom died, he passed the torch to Peter so that Tom Fletcher’s design ideas and ideology would continue.

The latest generation of Pear Audio Blue, designed by Tom Fletcher, is the triumphant culmination of Tom’s continuing development of turntables and tonearms.  Each model is hand-built, one-by-one, by Peter Mezek in Slovenia and undergoes extensive quality control before leaving his artisan shop.