Thomas Schick Tonearms

Vinyl records are still very popular as a sound source, although there are several digital formats that claim to deliver the ultimate sound, whatever that is. For whatever reasons the vinyl LP is so popular, if you’re reading this it seems like being a topic for you.

It is astonishing that many turntables from the 1960s, or even older ones, are still the first choice for high quality record playback today. These old devices are still in use today because of their outstanding sound quality, which even today is only achieved by a few devices.

In the case of tonearms, old copies are often afflicted with considerable defects, as I unfortunately had to find out myself. A reason for me to start my own development. First I thought about general sound ideals.

Two main ideals of sound seem to have become established. First there is the sound lover who prefers a ‘warm, romantic, pleasant’ reproduction. The tone color is important here, frequency range or colorations are accepted as long as nothing ‘annoying’ appears in the sound image. On the other hand, there is the ‘lover of detail’, here there must be a clinically clean resolution of the sound, even if the naturalness is lost.

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Garrard 301 restoration

I bought a Garrard 301 on Ebay in pretty bad shape, but cheap enough to dare it anyway. I suppose you know about this record player. In case you don’t just Google for it or look at ‘Vinylengines’ dedicated Garrard Forum.


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    Posted in: Hi-Fi | Industry