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EXPIRED For Sale Genalex Gold Lion KT77 (EL34) Cryo'd Matched Quad Valves/Tubes

AUD $380
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AUD $380


AUD $560

Product Type


Model Name

KT77 (EL34) Cryo'd Matched Quad



Payment Method

Paypal, EFT, Cash on Pickup


(NSW) New South Wales/Australia

Suburb or Town


Original Receipt Available


Shipping & Pickup Options

Shipping:  Available
Pickup: Available



Reason for Selling

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Further Information

Up for sale is a matched quad of Gold Lion KT77 (EL34 replacement) which is purchased from Upscale Audio in the USA while visiting and carefully hand carried these back to Oz.  They are pretested and are the cryo'd versions which per the website retails for US$92.95 each (A$140 x 4 = $560).  They've done 50 - 70 hours  and don't think they are even properly borken in and already sound amazing. I've been saving these up but thinking that I am not going to use my valve amps that much.   Sale price of $400 is like 30% discount on these and you can enjoy running these in.  Local pickup preferred.


https://upscaleaudio.com/products/gold-lion-kt77-el34?variant=21828961349   there's also individual reviews on the website 


A modern re-creation of the legendary Genalex KT77. Produced in Russia by New Sensor. It is far more reliable than the JJ KT77, and even more beautiful sonically. Great mids, smooth, airy highs, incredible bass, wonderful 3D presence, and that natural glory you'd expect in an EL34.  A quick note on this tube: These tubes seem to take a bit longer to break in than some other power tubes, so if they sound a little lightweight in the bass, you have to give them time. Some guys are reporting at least 100 hours before the fully come into their own.


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