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    • Darko's Inconvenient Truth
      I don't disagree with anything Darko said in that video. It's more what he did not say or IMO did not place enough emphasis on.    1. The RT60 target can be achieved with normal room furnishing for most people.  2. RT60 targets vary depending on room volume, application, and personal preference. His RT60 is 250ms, it is on the "dry" side, but might be appropriate for his room volume (smallish) and application (reviewing hifi gear).  3. The topic of reflections is extremely co
    • Darko's Inconvenient Truth
      You could drop the cost of a decent house on a pair of speakers, put them in a lousy room and they'll sound like @ss. On the other hand, you could spend a modest sum on a well-designed pair of speakers, put them in a well-treated room and they'll sound spectacular.   Nice to see Darko not talking out of his @ss, for once.....
    • Darko's Inconvenient Truth
      Yep you sound like me😁
    • Darko's Inconvenient Truth
      Gents its been a long journey for me, I'm over it now, yes I'm guilty of the above, but its finally getting done "room treatment", when installed...….hopefully what everyone is talking about, I will hear once completed...🎶🙏
    • Darko's Inconvenient Truth
      Yeah, it's been said before... Trouble is, people don't find absorption and diffusion panels sexy like they do a $10k DAC or $50k speakers. Part of the hobby is the gratification of putting shiny stuff on your rack.   The biggest eye-opener for me following room treatment install, was running a few watts through some old B&W bookshelf speakers instead of the Fynes, just for a laugh. I couldn't believe how good they sounded despite not costing $3k back in the day. It truly demonstra

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