@Mullett Late to this thread
I have a little Decware Mini Torii Mk 2 which is a dual mono 6V6 SE self-biasing design that outputs a massive 4 watts!
You can change the power tubes to 6L6 without any adjustment and use any variety/variant of 12AU/AT/AX7 as input tubes (and therefore change the power output as well)
This allows you to fine-tune the amp's sound to suit your own preferences using NOS or new production tube options
It employs separate voltage regulation on the input and output sections - a feature I have not seen in tube amps before
On the right combination of high-efficiency speakers (I currently use Zu in my main system) it sounds superb - full bodied, extended, agile, detailed
It shouldn't but It sounds surprisingly good on my Kef LS50's - at lower volumes of course
I've had other amps through my system such as Bakoon, Valvet, Audio Note, Goldmund Job, ME, Musical Fidelity, Counterpoint, Consonance, Ming Da, Line Magnetic, Melody, etc, but I seem to have hung onto this low-powered little beast
It has a life-time warranty but as postage to and from the USA is ridiculously expensive its bit of a moot point
However, from my limited experience, this family run company seems to make both unusual and good products
Here's a couple of snaps to illustrate it's diminutive size ... (and yes I know it shouldn't be stacked on the SACD player!)