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Everything posted by Jonesy_SA

  1. Soon to be parent ? Quite familiar with the required items (stroller, chair, cot etc) available in Europe... Went to a few baby stores today only to find we have hardly any selection in Australia and the prices are phenomenal!!! I guess shipping but the same items are a quarter of the price in the states or Europe. Time to peruse Gumtree I think!
  2. Got one. Simply created a profile but didn't link an inverter. Cheers
  3. Hi Here's an odd off topic discussion! A bunch of mates installed PV recently and post a graphic daily of the generated Kw. I don't have solar but enjoy responding daily with my 0kw for kicks. They seem to use a phone app or website that shows the last 24h period. Those of you who track your PV know what I mean. Does anyone happen to have one of these graphics that shows 0kw for a day? I want to take my trolling up a level.
  4. Hi I've just discovered Spotify and signed up for the .99c 3 month trial. I'm hoping the quality will outperform internet radio that I stream via a Pi+DAC and Volumio. Volumio had a Spotify plugin but it won't show favourites from my Spotify. For example, if I listen to Spotify on my phone and save a playlist (heart icon) it does not appear from what I can see in volumio. I have to repeat the process in volumio? Is there a better option for Spotify other than my current set-up. I really like low power consumption as well. EDIT: Would I be better using the Volumio SpotifyConnect2 plug in?
  5. Slightly off topic but recently I was playing around with a relatively old and high power tube am receiver. It sounded very nice and there was quite a good selection of material. It sounded much better than FM and DAB! I was told an expander might improve these.
  6. Hi all Still available. See the add is the give away section. Simonon has been quite busy and only just got back to me now so looking to move these quickly as per the add. Thanks
  7. Before you hit respond read the following: Prerequisites to claiming this item: - These MUST be collected Thursday (that's tomorrow) afternoon onwards. You should have the cognitive capacity to figure out before replying if you can do that. - Excluded members on this site and others where I post include: those who claimed / purchased an item from me previously and failed to follow through (i.e. changed your mind); Claimed an item from me for free previously (please share the love and allow others to grab something); created our profile post this giveaway. - Collection from 5017 Details of item as listed here: If the above appears a tad crass it is due to the amount of stuff-around and lost time I've experienced this week whilst selling and giving away items on various sites (not so much this one). Thus the above is pretty strict. Thanks everyone ?
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  8. Price Drop: FREE Need the room. Collection from 5017 Note: one of the criterion gained a healthy dent in the wood during transport. These a free to existing members and DO NOT claim unless you can collect and will definitely be collecting! Prefer pick-up ASAP.
  9. Sorry for the delay we had a passing in the family. Unfortunately they were donated shortly after the posts above. I got tired of tripping over them :-) Facebook market place and gumtree often get very cheap good sets.
  10. Cool. Hope you enjoy them. I dropped you a pm.
  11. Hi Would anyone be interested in a vintage golf bag and good set of irons? Collection from Osborne 5017. I have down-down sized and don't have room for two sets. The bag does have a tear in it and served sometime as a hallway umbrella stand :-). Irons: Jack Nicklaus MacGregor 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Pitching and Sand Wedge Pro-Simmon 2- Iron DRK 111 Perpheral weighted Sweet Spot formulated centre 0.84seco (i-sino) Pitching Wedge K.Knox Australia Play-Off 1x No name basic putter Woods: Slazenger Wee Soot; 4 Australian Made ViF?(3 initials barely readable); 4 Apollo TI Accles Pollock Tour Model power drive The PGF putter pictured is NOT included! Standard length RH.
  12. I assumed PP would be quite a bit more expensive thus didn't consider it. Do you have a pp circuit that is ideal? Complexity doesn't bother me however it is ideal if the circuit had been built so I can see few pics of layout.
  13. I have a few options at around 90db efficiency however tempted to try some full range OB drivers. Regarding watt vs efficiency; in my room 5x5 with 87db bookshelf I was able to get a reasonable listening volume with a few tiny d-class amps. I 'think' if my budget limited the build to a SE 8w amp it would drive my speakers at a comfortable level. Of course the more watts the better ;-)
  14. Thanks! I've contemplated copying a circuit from one of the kits as they seem well received.
  15. I have been looking on RS at transformers. Is there better prices? I doubt I would use anything less than Hammond quality however are there cheaper alternatives? I would prefer to keep cost to a minimum and have no preference for design or tube selection so open to suggestions.
  16. I suggested locally on the basis that most DIY audio I come across is from USA. Their prices and availability of parts is different to ours. There might even be a good schematic with BOM for local components.
  17. Buy the parts based on a reputable circuit and build myself. I'm fine with HV. Would prefer point to point and not a kit.
  18. Hi I was looking at Chinese tube amps based on el34 tubes in the 10watt range and wondered what it would cost to build something locally. Excluding chassis and using readily available components (that is to say no fancy vintage components) what's a good figure? Any chance of a price breakdown on an actual build? Cheers
  19. Item: 2 pairs of Vintage 70's speakers. Criterion 77 and locally made cabinets with Magnavox and Plessey drivers Location: Adelaide 5012 Price: $100 neg REDUCED: $50 NEG Item Condition: Criterion are quite good but with some scratches, the unbranded have worn cabinets. Both sound fine Reason for selling: No room to store and support my tuition fees. Payment Method: Pickup - Cash Extra Info: Very nice vintage speakers. The unbranded set were purchased with a sansui au-101 and Silcron turntable and matched very well. The Criterion are also great sounding with an interesting adjustable high pass filter. I don't know what they are worth so please make realistic offer. Collection only and must be gone within 5 days due to moving. Note: sansui amp is not included! Pictures:
  20. Thank you for the responses. I'll look over them all and respond back. In the interim could I have some advice on proper media tags. In Volumio if I select Album view compilations were appearing as multiple albums based on the artist. For example in a classical album I was seeing perhaps 7 copies of the album but each one contained only a single artist. If however I selected Artist view, then all tracks on my storage were grouped nicely via artist. I read online the "Album Artist" tag should be unique in Compilations to group all songs under the same Album. I tried this and now under album view all tracks appear as part of a single compillation they belong to, however, when you click Artist view, it is grouping Artists based on this data, thus compillations appear as a single artist. Where am i going wrong? (Under album view I want compilations grouped as a single album, however under artist the individual tracks should appear under their respective artist) In the example below the album Artist was originally bank. This resulted in 7 x The Best Classical Album... etc one for each artist. under artist view however they appeared correctly with all other tracks by the same artist. By adding the Album Artist as EMI it combines all the artists as one compilation under Album view, but when i view via Artist; all the artists are listed as EMI. Meta Data of individual tracks: Meta data of multiple tracks selected together:
  21. I have up sampling turned off. I think its off by default. Should I turn it on? I'm using a pi with generic audiophonics dac.
  22. Hi I have been using Volumio for sometime on a Pi. The last few updates however have brought lots of bugs displaying media via albums and attempting to play albums. My media is stored on a drive attached to the router. I'm happy to use a web GUI or app to control media but ideally I would like to retain the advance features such as album art etc. I have an i2s DAC which seems to work well as a generic i2s dac. I am currently using an original Pi B+ (pi1?) and would prefer to use it over one of my Pi3's. I looked into Runeaudio but it doesnt appear to have been updated in some years. Suggestions?

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