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Everything posted by Harlequin

  1. The most obvious change is the content-devaluation of the 'existing' Essentials line-up to make additional tier-purchase more likely. At first glance, securing all my favourite channels will 'seemingly' cost me $65pm. BUT then there's another $10pm for the HD versions of my fave channels - bringing the cost up to $75pm. I'm not sure if the current IQ2 is included in the subsription cost for existing customers!???? But the IQ3 sure as hades won't be so that'll likely be an additional 5-10 dollars pm. Nor am I convinced that there won't be an across-the-board percentage-based price-rise in December of this year (once a new intake of subscribers has been locked-in for 12 months) So at this stage of the game, my early impression of the proposed packages is a 'smoke & mirrors' scenario. Make it appear that the price has dramatically dropped, when the final and actual cost of securing channels which one currently has in the 'old' structure is about the same (the lack of reduction in the price of the 'Platinum' package is testament this). Content-wise, however, it's obvious that I'm going to be relying even more on downloads than I have hitherto been. Cynical? No! Realistic? Yes!
  2. I rang to cancel my Foxtel account yesterday. As per usual, the rep ran through the usual 'alternatives' to cancellation. In the end I accepted downgrading from Platinum (approx $130pm) to 'Essentials' for $25pm for 6 months. Like other thread respondents, I was informed that new packages and pricing would be announced in September. I too am pessimistic regards channel flexibility and pricing overall; however pessimism does not totally eclipse my hope that there may indeed be change for the better, no matter how slight. One aspect of yesterday's 'phone conversation which made me laugh out loud was when, in response to my comment that having Foxtel was actually a 'luxury', the rep gently argued it wasn't. Anyway, here's to September.
  3. Been hanging-out for BBC First since the announcement last year; now it's beginning to sound less promising. Given that out of the series mentioned as being in the initial launch all with the exception of The Musketeers are at least a year old, I hope that this is merely a 'launch list' and is not an indicator of the average period of time that will pass between original UK screening and BBC First broadcast; because if it is then the channel does little to counter downloading of BBC content. 'Day and date' (or as close to as possible) is the only broadcast-model that will return the viewing figures that both the BBC and, especially, Foxtel will be hoping for. I also hope that the BBC First schedule is not merely five quality programmes padded with crap like 'Eggheads'.
  4. I seriously doubt the likelihood of such an outcome.
  5. TV's Greatest **** ...er...Hits. No loss from the perspective of this subscriber; same for SF.
  6. I presume that you are referring specifically to the Foxtel-3D channel, not to wider theatrical 3D productions.
  7. Have tried to send you a private message but you haven't got PM'ing set up for your account. If you enable private messaging, we can get going on this. Cheers.
  8. The app I installed is: Foxtel.Go_1_0_1.apk. Pretty sure I got it from Whirlpool, yes.
  9. In the meantime, we'll just have to rely on the "I've got to have it, Christ, I've got to be, the first on our block" (apologies to Godley & Creme) purchasers to give 4k displays a start here in Australia, without whom 'standard' HD would be too expensive for us prols
  10. Seems to me that the take-up of 4k hardware will be dependent upon content delivered from the non-broadcast arena, i.e. content owners, distributors, studio's, etc via direct-to-home services such as cable, satellite, or broadband. The recent announcements by Sony with regard to add-on hardware and on-demand services point to this 'new' distribution model which cuts-out the traditional video rental library and, one hopes, the multiplex (admittedly the latter will take a longer period to supplant or replace). The major studio's have always 'resented' the fact that they 'miss out' on revenue due to the need to rely on third-parties to distribute content, who take a hefty slab of the 'real' money that movies generate at the cinema and video library; smaller content-providers/distributors also suffer financially due to a restrictive theatrical-distribution model that favours the blockbuster. A server-based direct customer access system ensures that virtually all revenue generated by a film goes directly to the Studio. Let's face it, the days where cinema and television advertising were the only viable mediums for promotion of movies are long gone; ergo the multiplex is redundant. People go to see a movie based on the hype that has been built-up by www promotion, which is constant, as opposed to cinema screenings of a trailer which may actually only be seen once or twice one on average. The advent of 4k images, equivalent to digital cinema, affords an experience that is truly 'cinema at home'. I don't deny that there are elements of the cinema-auditorium experience that render it 'unique'; but the same can be said for domestic 'cinema', not least the opportunities for customising and scheduling the experience which the multiplex cannot provide without the provision of 'on-demand' private screening booths. Who knows what the future of 4k will actually be but one thing that has been learned from 1080 HD is that take-up of a new technology can be rapid provided that the consumer see's an advantage beyond the purchase of a new telly. How many punters would shell-out for a 4k display if it gave them access to first-run theatrical content for the price of a ticket to a multiplex screening? A lot can happen in five years, even two. I live in expectant hope. cheers.
  11. By now everyone will be aware that Foxtel GO is finally available for Android users - albeit on selected devices. For my part, I have a 'Samsung Galaxy 2 10.1 (GT-P5110 running Android v4.0.3, i.e. Gingerbread)' which is not one of the acceptable selected devices. However, I have managed to get 'round the restriction via a combination of updating to 'Jellybean', rooting the tab (oo-er, Matron), and installing the Foxtel GO apk. All is working perfectly; so if there are any among you who has the same Tab as me but have been unable to install the GO app, please feel free to contact me for the workflow and all the necessary files. Cheers.
  12. "In response to overwhelming complaints from existing customers regarding the non-appearance of the Android 'FoxtelGo' app on the promised date of 3 June, 2013, Foxtel have announced the immediate suspension of its 'Go' service until such times as an app is available for Android devices. Speaking from a media release, a Foxtel representative today stated, "We understand the frustrations of subscribers with Android devices who, quite rightly, feel they are not receiving the same value for their subscription fees as customers with Apple devices; as a consequence we have suspended the FoxtelGo service until we can provide exactly the same service, without fear or favour, to all our valued customers and not just the w@nkers with Apple devices". Yeah, right!!!!!!
  13. Reduction in frequency of ad-breaks. Abandonment of in-programme self-promotion of the , "Now....what you're currently watching; Next... exactly the same programme which the info bar will tell you is on next; Later... repeat of the same show you are trying to watch at the moment" variety. All 'on-demand' content FREE of charge. Foxtel are spoilt for choice when considering the 'next' BIG thing.
  14. Thanks for the link. Have bought one online. Onya.
  15. Is anyone using a wi-fi adapter plugged into the back of the IQ2? If so, what's a reliable adapter? cheers.
  16. May I ask you how long it has taken to download those 9 episodes via your torrent client? cheers.
  17. Forgive me if I'm repeating anything already raised in this thread. The 'Usenet' workflow is a very reliable method to secure programming from the UK, Europe, the USA, and Australia, within hours of original broadcast. Unlike torrents, a programme is stored on the Usenet provider's server - meaning you are not reliant on multiple sources for successful download; and also unlike torrents, files are kept on the Usenet provider's server for up to 800 days (Astraweb for example) - whereas with the torrent system, if you haven't secured the file within a couple of days it's virtually impossible to retrieve it in whole (for prog's such as 'Over The Rainbow', which you want to do catch-up, the longevity of file availability is a boon). Depending on which Premium Usenet provider you use, downloads can be done through SSL connection. Provided you have a decent internet connection (i.e. broadband), the average xvid encode of an hour-long episode (800mb) can be as little as ten minutes. The majority of files are xvid (.avi container) or mkv. Material is also often available in SD and HD formats. Interesting to see that Foxtel will be screening 'Boardwalk Empire' in March; but many of us were watching each episode of the series, in HD with 5.1 audio, within 24 hours of its original broadcast on HBO, months ago. The delay in broadcasting 'Over The Rainbow' may have more to do with the need to re-edit the show for international consumption rather than securing international copyright clearances (which is, by the way, usually part of the original contracted agreement - the BBC aren't stupid ...as much anymore); anyone who has compared an original ITV broadcast ep of, say, "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here", with the same ep screened on UKTV will know the difference between the two. ..................
  18. So your playing 'the davmels advocate' then?
  19. davmel's no fool; it's just that he's partial to the flavour of shoe leather.
  20. Can i use the words '****' and '****' in a post as well then? Or will I be moderated
  21. Didn't early Smith & Wesson's have a tendency to blow apart in the user's hand?
  22. I'm not going to be drawn into a fight with you, mate; you know perfectly well that the word is unacceptable because it has long transcended a specific cultural boundary to become a term specifically used for the purpose of racial vilification - a contention accurately borne-out by your own application of the word. Despite your claims that seeks to excuse yourself, It's not a case of 'political correctness', mate, it's a case of one human-being pointing out to another human-being that words which have come to be associated with pure hatred have no place in a forum of this kind, or indeed, in any place where acceptable language is a requirement. All the best to you.
  23. I understand what you are meaning to say but the word you chose - and let's not be obtuse about it, we all know which word - has long since been an unacceptable word in our culture, and for very good reason. perhaps a re-edit of the post might be advisable before you're booted off the board.
  24. Thanks for the heads-up on the connectors; wouldn't have known otherwise. cheers.
  25. Ta muchly for the info. Yes, all satellite. The dual-lnb dish at the other location was put in place about 2 years ago; my current dual-lnb dish has been in place for considerably longer. cheers.

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