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There was some chatter recently about PMC OB1 speakers, so I made enquires with the distributor, and he kindly sent a pair to my house for evaluation. PMC are known for their monitor speakers (hence the moniker "Professional Monitor Company"), and have just branched out into large floor-standing models. The OB1 is the biggest of these, and the only three way (I thought that "OB1" might be Star Wars pun, but apparently "OB" stands for "Other Box", in accordance to other models such as "LB" == "Little Box", "TB" == "Tiny Box", "DB" = "Dinky Box", and so on).

Two large cartons arrived at my doorstop last Thursday, containing shiny near-new OB1 speakers, with a claimed usage of around 30 hours. I moved my VAF Signature I-93 speakers out of the way, and plugged the OB1 into my system, which was various incarnations of the following: Rotel RSP-1068 AV pre/pro, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Rotel RB-1090 2x380w amp, Rotel RMB-1095 5x200w amp, ME550-II 2x100w amp, ME15 pre-amp, nOhr SE9 2x9w valve amp, Marantz CD-6000 CD player. My room is 4m x 5m and is well damped.

My overall opinion of the test equipment is: the Rotels and ME produce a very solid-state, somewhat forward and bright sound. The nOhr is lush and smooth, with a woolly bottom end. The Marantz CD player is more refined and smoother than my Rotel RCD-1072. The VAF I-93 is very detailed and produces deep bass, but is a bit harsh in the mid-range (at least with solid-state).

The OB1 is a little over a metre tall, and looks puny compared to the massive I-93s. It sure doesn't look like a lot of speaker for just over $8000. It has a small tweeter, an inverted dome midrange, and a 6-inch woofer. It uses a transmission line to extend bass response, and so has a small port at the front. This allows the OB1 to be placed nearer to walls without affecting bass response. The overall finish was aesthetically pleasing, though somewhat boxy. The speakers come with a small plinth and spikes.

After a year of I-93, the mid-range smoothness of the OB1 was very welcome. Female vocals were simply wonderful, especially through the valve amp. The imaging was spot on, though the sound stage was not as wide as I had experienced with the I-93. Upping the volume gradually revealed no compression, so that choral pieces were allowed to soar without the sound collapsing.

There was good detail, but not as much as the I-93 can produce. I used a track from an Alan Parsons CD that had a female singer. With the I-93, we could here the singer taking small breaths between words, and occasionaly wetting her lips. With the OB1, the vocals were very lovely, but these fine details were missing.

The OB1 claims a frequency response of 28Hz to 25Hz, but I did not see any +/- dB points specified. Tracks played using the I-93 (flat down to 20Hz) had deep and punchy bass. Those same tracks on the OB1 showed understandably less extension, but also less presence. The bottom-end was there, but very lean, and not as tight as the I-93. This was noticed on all amps.

The OB1 also seemed somewhat boxy in sound. It was like listening to monitors in a way. The sound was not as 3-dimensional compared to the I-93. The sound stage was wide for some sonics, but narrow for others. Vocals, although liquid and smooth, seemed to be constricted to the speaker cabinet rather than enveloping. Switching to the I-93 revealed a more three-dimensional soundstage, with front-and-back images as well as more left-and-right.

Overall, the OB1 were pleasant, but failed to engage me. For over $8000, I certainly demand an engaging speaker. At that price point, I would seriously consider the B&W 805, which I had listened to just last week using some of the same review equipment. Although a bookshelf and lacking in the bottom-end department, I could listen to the 805s all day. And the bass actually isn't too shabby for such a little speaker (although I do suspect some bottom-end boosting is present). A valve amp, the B&W 805s, some Diana Krall, and I'm connected to the music and a sound that impresses. Not so with the OB1.

Other contenders include the B&W 703, the Equinox Apogee, and the Elac FS 209.2. In fact, an audio store that stocks both the PMC OB1 and the Elac FS 209.2 recommends the cheaper Elac over the PMC, as it is regarded as a better speaker all round. Something to consider (although maybe there's better margins on the Elac. Who knows).

Tangentially, this review also demonstrated the importance of source equipment. I preferred the Marantz CD player over the Rotel CD player in just about all cases. The Marantz produces a much smoother, yet still punchy, sound. The Rotel is slightly more forward, and harder and brighter. The Marantz was borrowed, so I'm stuck with the Rotel for now, but I'm on the lookout for something better (possibly a Shanling valve CD player).

Overall, this sounds like a damning review of the PMC OB1, but it's not meant to be. It's a pleasant, polite speaker with a wonderful mid-range, and no colouration that I could find (though the top-end just lacked a bit of crispness and air). I had issues with detail and bottom-end, but I've been spoilt by listening to the VAF I-93 and the Equinox Apogee. These Aussie models are massive speakers with bottom-end and detail to die for, so the PMC OB1 suffers by comparison only because it's predecessors are so damned good. Someone not used to these speakers may find the PMC OB1 to be more than adequate in this regard.

But these are $8000 speakers, and only rarely did I find it difficult to stop listening. For that amount of money, I want to be engaged with the music, and want to listen to the wee hours with my favourite tunes. But I just didn't get that magic feeling, even with the valve amp. Perhaps much better electronics are required (such as bi-amping with Bryston 7B monoblocks and a much more expensive valve pre-amp), but I can only test with what I had. Overall, anyone looking for speakers at that price point would be wise to check out at least some other brands (such as B&W).



Nice Review Geoff. It's fantastic to get alternative insights in a shared hobby especially when you haven't had a chance to have a listen yourself.

One thing I'm thinking why the PMC impressed me so much, it's quite a small room at CAV so there would have been plenty of room gain which boosted the bass. But I certainly didn't have it stacked up against the likes of a VAF-I93 either.

I am dying to hear some of the higher end Equinox and VAF stuff in a proper environment.


Excellent and well thought out review - you have good taste. :P

For that sort of money I would be looking at the Duntech Soverigns on ebay for $7000 at the moment? :blink:



For that sort of money I would be looking at the Duntech Soverigns on ebay for $7000 at the moment? :blink:

You know if I had a bit more space I would definately bid on these. I've heard them before and they are fantastic speakers. But they are around 30cm taller than my I-93s and require much more room...



thanks for posting a review on this one geoff.

And yes very interesting comparisons with the vaf and equinox. Have not had the pleasure of hearing either so good to know we have some very nice speakers coming out of oz !

Yes $8000 is a fair old sum and theres some pretty mighty speakers out there for the money. One other thing I think your review sums up is just how good Aussie speakers are against the imported ones. That said do agree with you too the b&w 805 is a pretty damn good speaker.

I think its great you've been able to check this one out for your self in your room with your equipment. Onto the Elacs next ? good luck with that one. A very differnt sound to the OB1's I would think, perhaps what your looking for but those aussie speakers sure look pretty impressive so the elacs probably got a bit of a battle on its hands I'd say !



Onto the Elacs next ? good luck with that one. A very differnt sound to the OB1's I would think, perhaps what your looking for but those aussie speakers sure look pretty impressive so the elacs probably got a bit of a battle on its hands I'd say !

I'm thinking about booking a trip to Canberra to check out the Elac and some Magnepans. Maybe a quick trip to Sydney on the way back to visit Rick at Equinox.



I think its great you've been able to check this one out for your self in your room with your equipment. Onto the Elacs next ? good luck with that one. A very differnt sound to the OB1's I would think, perhaps what your looking for but those aussie speakers sure look pretty impressive so the elacs probably got a bit of a battle on its hands I'd say !


I made the above comment after having a read of this little comparison on HT central on the vaf I93 vs the equinox.


sorry but somehow comapring the elec floorstander with either of those mighty aussies somehow seems like comparing a bicycle rickshaw with a Mack truck ! :blink:

but do let us know how you go.



Where in Canberra has maggies?? none of the usual places that i recall...


I made the above comment after having a read of this little comparison on HT central on the vaf I93 vs the equinox.


sorry but somehow comapring the elec floorstander with either of those mighty aussies somehow seems like comparing a bicycle rickshaw with a Mack truck ! biggrin.gif

Well I'd love a pair of Jupiters as well, but they need more room than the I-93. The Apogee are the little brother of the Jupiter and are have much higher WAF. Dunno how the Elacs sound but when yer spending this sorta cash you don't want to die wondering about other speakers. It's entirely possible that the Elacs may kick arse (the ribbon tweeter has caught my attention), but I must admit I do like the big Aussie speakers.


Dunno how the Elacs sound but when yer spending this sorta cash you don't want to die wondering about other speakers. It's entirely possible that the Elacs may kick arse (the ribbon tweeter has caught my attention), but I must admit I do like the big Aussie speakers.


hehehe yes

no question geoff I'd be doing the exact same. No way of knowing which is best for you unless you do check them out.

Also no doubt I know whenever I've checked out anything in this sort of league each has its own strengths and often comes down to which has what your looking for and which ones strengths appeal the most.

Also no doubt I know whenever I've checked out anything in this sort of league each has its own strengths and often comes down to which has what your looking for and which ones strengths appeal the most.

I would hope there's not too much weakness anywhere for those sorts of dollars!

I have listened to Rick's speakers at the HE shows last two years, great speakers even though it's a crappy environment. He also runs really interesting amps, last year was an ME amp, very impressive.


Great review Goeff,

just goes to show that it does pay to always listen for yourself and never buy a speaker on a review.

Also pays to audition the speaker with different amps if you are looking at building a system from scratch. In the case of just upgrading speakers, then definately best to listen to them with the equipment you have.

Which leads me to my question of how many dealers actualy let you try things at home



Which leads me to my question of how many dealers actualy let you try things at home

Quite a few if you are straight with them and are serious. I just spoke to Reg Mills Audio in Brisbane about valve-output CD players and they mentioned that taking one home for a demo is an option. And apparently Caxton St Audio lends gear out quite freely. I had some B&W 800 series speakers for a home demo as well. I'm talking to Merlin Audio Design in Canberra about bits of gear and they mention that home demos are available (if I was in Canberra, that is).

Although the local Encel/Stereo Supplies would not do this, even after I'd spent lotsa $$$ there.



Quite a few if you are straight with them and are serious. I just spoke to Reg Mills Audio in Brisbane about valve-output CD players and they mentioned that taking one home for a demo is an option. And apparently Caxton St Audio lends gear out quite freely. I had some B&W 800 series speakers for a home demo as well. I'm talking to Merlin Audio Design in Canberra about bits of gear and they mention that home demos are available (if I was in Canberra, that is).

Although the local Encel/Stereo Supplies would not do this, even after I'd spent lotsa $$$ there.


hmmm next upgrade i will try it out and see what happens. I'm not a fan of encel, so no bother to me about them realy


Quite a few if you are straight with them and are serious. I just spoke to Reg Mills Audio in Brisbane about valve-output CD players and they mentioned that taking one home for a demo is an option. And apparently Caxton St Audio lends gear out quite freely. I had some B&W 800 series speakers for a home demo as well. I'm talking to Merlin Audio Design in Canberra about bits of gear and they mention that home demos are available (if I was in Canberra, that is).

Although the local Encel/Stereo Supplies would not do this, even after I'd spent lotsa $$$ there.


yes most retaillers will loan you items to try out at home. I've even walked off the street and got loaners of retailers I've never dealt with before. Most will lend if they realise your serious and have an intention to buy if the item is right for you. Most will have no time to waste on you if you are just a time waster/tyre kicker which is understandable. Most will also get a scan of driving license or more typically a credit card jsut incase you wander off with the goods never to be seen.

I've found retailers who you get to know will go out of the way to help you out to find the right item as get to realise just how hard the auditioning process is.

I think loaners are an option if just buying one item or so ofcourse if looking for a complete system there is pretty much no other viable option than to do instore demos.

Yep the likes of encel have no time for this kind of thing and I have no time for them either.

Nothing really compares to trying something out at home in your room with your equipment and with your material at your disposal and allowing you to spend some time to get to know the item.

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