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StereoNET does not endorse or condone piracy or accessing and streaming content via methods that bypass copyright holders or official methods of access.


Kodi released a statement regarding the use of its service and details of its General Public License, which you can read here: https://kodi.tv/article/in-defence-of-our-good-name/

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Got to hand it to Sam the builder of the Vero V, because he is all about constant improvement.   He states he is hoping to put out updates once a month.    He can be contactable on the OSMC website through the Forum.     One great bonus is that Sam's Updates include updates to the latest Kodi Version as part of the download package.   


The Vero V February Update came through today.    Installed without incident and my new Vero V is performing very, very well.


I use Real-Debrid and Premiumize as Content Providers.   I rarely if ever have buffering issues, even with 4k content.   I find that if I start a 4k show that is tad stuttery, if I pause it for 15-30 seconds, that allows the cache to fill with the incoming stream and after that, zero problems.


The builder of the 'Umbrella' Add-on also has constant updates coming through and I see on Reddit he is quick to respond to issues.   


For any newbies to this thread, I can assure you, getting to understand the workings of a Kodi system is well worth it.  


Regards Cazzesman







  • 2 months later...

Long, long time user of Kodi. I run it with the standard interface setup for TV shows, Movies and Music and nothing else. Of our 4k plus DVD's I have about 500 ripped to hard drive for movie content, with the same being done for Music and TV shows. 

We have a lot of box sets of TV series that are a pain to use in DVD format as each DVD usually only holds a couple of episodes. Our blurays are only a tiny fraction of the collection. Music is the same as well, it helps to keep the original CD's and Vinyl in good order, and I break them out as treat.

For TV viewing, we just use the TV on demand service, and for things like Prime or Netflix we do the same. Our rural broadband really isn't good enough to cope with a lot of the streaming services available through Kodi and as it turns out most of those services don't work here in NZ. I have been known to pay for a special sports event through Sky TV and stream that as well but SWMBO isn't so keen on that - but I won't forgo my Bathurst viewing any time soon 🙂 For movie playback Kodi really is excellent.

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  • 1 month later...

With the recent changes to Prime and Netflix I would encourage viewers to do their Kodi research.


Start back at page 1 here.


Regards Cazzesman

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