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Further information:

Full details:

AV receiver (Yamaha, RX-V1065)

Blue-ray disc player (Yamaha, BD-S1065)
Loudspeakers x 5 - central x 1 and surround x 4 (Focal, Sib)
Floor stands for surround speakers x 4 (Focal, Hip)
Subwoofer x 1 (Focal, Cub)
QED Cables


Can sell components separately but would honestly rather it just all went in one go! Tried to price appropriately via hifishark, but the users here probably have a better idea what its worth so price negotiable.


System was bought in May 2010 from Len Wallis Audio for $5,766 (incl speaker cables). Receipt and all manuals can be provided. It was used for a movie or a couple of hours of music every couple of weeks. I'm moving to a smaller apartment and the gf doesn't want the black speakers and stands to annoy her cats <shrug>. I've really under used the system so while it is old, its condition is quite high. Can't see any major scratches or dents or rust, just dusty. Its now in storage at a friend's place so I can't really set it up to audition it, but it was working at its usual high level when I unplugged it a few weeks ago.





Surround speakers with subwoofer.jpg

Instruction manuals.jpg

InkedLen Wallis receipt_LI.jpg

Remote control and connections.jpg

Surround speakers.jpg

Receiver - rear.jpg

Centre speaker.jpg

Receiver - front.jpg

Receiver remote control.jpg

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