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Hi everyone 👋


I've moved into a new house and want to have my CD collection out of my cardboard boxes and into the living space. Fortunately I have a space for my speakers and other hi-fi, however I am seeking to have the music collection close by. I'm not considering shelving at this stage, but would like to know if anyone has seen nice timber drawers to store a CD collection (>300 CDs) or something that looks nice and is functional. Bonus points if it's a multi-purpose storage unit that has drawers and can do other stuff for the family!


Appreciate your recommendations :)






You'll probably hate me for being impractical (for you) but here's my solution. I bought a dozen or more of these CD storage things when they were cheap as a job lot,



then stacked three, built a Jarrah case around them,


then mounted them on the dividing half wall that existed around my listening area with book cases in between and a plinth on top to add height


My misses, being the artful type she is lead-lighted the doors I made and the lovely music themed window frame we rescued from a barn at a farm-stay we did.


The reverse side to the dining/sitting room has a few artworks and bookcases.



Although it doesn't make a sealed room, it does separate the areas and is quite a nice feature for the purpose of CD storage.


Don't know if your into DIY or have the time (or the talented wife) but maybe something like this is possible for your place.



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AMR Shire launches new three-way waste system | Augusta-Margaret River Mail  | Margaret River, WA


Just KIDDING!!! I store them on hard-drive(s) and keep the jewel cases in cardboard boxes (backups). Much more compact (pun intended) than any other form of storage.

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25 minutes ago, Grimmie said:

My misses, being the artful type she is lead-lighted the doors I made and the lovely music themed window frame we rescued from a barn 



Lovely work.  Must be a nice space to listen in.

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3 hours ago, Grimmie said:


You'll probably hate me for being impractical (for you) but here's my solution. I bought a dozen or more of these CD storage things when they were cheap as a job lot...


@Grimmie, that's a unique and really nice space including the CD storage :)

We don't have that kinda talen in this house - but I'm really glad you shared your setup!

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3 hours ago, Cloth Ears said:

AMR Shire launches new three-way waste system | Augusta-Margaret River Mail  | Margaret River, WA


Just KIDDING!!! I store them on hard-drive(s) and keep the jewel cases in cardboard boxes (backups). Much more compact (pun intended) than any other form of storage.


Haha, love it!

I want to show off at least some of the collection and still find joy browsing CDs and playing them on the archaic CD player. Who knows I might just end up going down that path if I can't find nice affordable drawers.


These are the most efficient storage if you want to keep them in their jewel cases.

Not the most practical if you play a lot of CDs, as you have to take the box off a shelf and remove the lid.

Also not the most robust.  I use them to store the CDs that are not played very often and they're holding up really well. 

I store the more frequently used ones in some of the old 'Blackline' CD drawers, which are no longer available.


Snap-N-Store Double Wide CD Storage Box, Black (SNS01658) : Amazon.com.au: Stationery & Office Products

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I use a couple of pine book cases, one of which I modified myself by adding extra shelves, and the other one I had made to my measurements. I stained and varnished both of them. That works quite well for me, but my collection has now grown to somewhere around 3500 CDs, and I need a lot more storage (haven't addressed the problem yet).


But that is getting a bit off topic, as Dan's collection is comparatively small, so any of the suggestions made so far are probably worth considering.


Just beware, Dan, that my collection was around 300 discs at the time I bought these bookcases!


These are old photos that I've posted before (when my collection was much smaller) but you get the idea. 


The top photo is the one where I added the extra shelves.


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I am pondering this problem too. I am about to move and currently all my CDs are in a few cardboard boxes. Part of me, thinks, well leave them in the boxes as they are all ripped and I listen to the wav files.  But then I think, well I will have all my vinyl out on shelving so why not have the CDs easily accessible as well.  I don't particularly like the CD storage I currently have but am unsure what to get instead.  As I am thinking of going for a mid century look in my lounge, well I am moving into an early 70s property, there is very little to no suitable vintage furniture for CD storage. Records are easy as I already have some habitat, cubes that will do for LPs and look the part.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have used BOLTZ CD storage systems from the USA ; quite expensive with our dollar and the cost of international postage but are an excellent product.



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If anyone wants to have a crack at building a BOLTZ-like structure out of timber and dowels , I'll send the measurements they use PM me. Wouldn't be impossible!


5 minutes ago, 075Congo said:

If anyone wants to have a crack at building a BOLTZ-like structure out of timber and dowels , I'll send the measurements they use PM me. Wouldn't be impossible!


Looks easy enough to build out of steel actually. I've done a bit of steel fabrication though, so maybe not for the uninitiated. I would build one, as currently most of my CDs are in an Ikea bookcase, behind my couch. They're probably better there though, as I really don't have space near the stereo for another unit.



Depending if you're lucky French x 12 bottle wooden boxes can be found relatively cheaply on  ebay or gumtree.

They're stackable and cut down the lid makes a divider allowing you to stack two levels of cd's within each box.

You can always dream that you drank the contents beforehand.

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BOLTZ—it looks like they stole my idea! I made this before their company existed.


A nice wooden frame (sapele IIRC). 

Two dowels inset for the bottom of the CDs with the front one higher so the CDs sit tilted up for easy reading (or not if you prefer). One dowel for the rear support.

Take out a CD and pull the one next door out a bit and tilt it back so the empty space is marked.


Not drawers or a unit as such, but I am very pleased with these.


I commissioned 2 of these from the local Men's Shed.  Real pine wood.


Too cheap so gave a donation as well.


If you have a plan your Shed may be interested





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I made a bookcase similar to the above some years ago when I had a smaller CD collection.  The bookcase was made with lots of room for expansion.  Unfortunately, Mrs Feline was delighted with my creation and wanted to put her CDs in it.  So I basically lost room for further purchases, and not too much later I had lots of CD stacks needing somewhere better to store. 


This is always the problem. You build something to hold the volume of CD's you currently have plus 25% expansion but find that's filled in no time by spousal invasion or just enthusiasm for how cheap and available CD based music is right now.


The trick there is to decide what the room aesthetic will allow for the largest storage you can, then keep culling the least played or likely to be played in near future to allow for new stuff. The cupboards in the music room and back bedroom is the space for my overflow. The latter being the graveyard destination.






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On 07/02/2022 at 5:07 PM, nowallet said:

Hi everyone 👋


I've moved into a new house and want to have my CD collection out of my cardboard boxes and into the living space. Fortunately I have a space for my speakers and other hi-fi, however I am seeking to have the music collection close by. I'm not considering shelving at this stage, but would like to know if anyone has seen nice timber drawers to store a CD collection (>300 CDs) or something that looks nice and is functional. Bonus points if it's a multi-purpose storage unit that has drawers and can do other stuff for the family!


Appreciate your recommendations :)




 I  designed my HiFi area around a piece of furniture I found that has draws that pull fully out and hold about 100 CD's each, making them easy to access; I use the cupboards at the sides to house my RCM and other items on one side and music books the other side, so multi purpose (although I do have more CD's taking up half of one of the cupboards to the side and I seem to be running out of space for records as well 🤔 )




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