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I have been an audiophile since the mid-1960s and in all that time this is the first time I have put together an entire new system for myself.  It came about because I wanted a good system for our summer home.  I wanted to maximize performance and minimize complexity and overall expenditure.  Speakers are NOS B&W 802 D Diamonds, amp is a discontinued NOS Marantz PM10, disc spinner is the mating Marantz SA10.  I re-used a VPI HW19 turntable already in the stable, but I had the SME 3009 rebuilt by SME and I found an open box AT20 cartridge for it.  I also already own a PS Audio Stellar phono stage, which I assume would be better than the one built into the PM10.  Wires are Audio Sensibility of Canada.  All of this was purchased at deep discount so in terms of meeting my initial objectives it was only a matter of how it sounds.  I did have the Marantz stuff delivered to me at my primary residence in Florida first, so that I could compare it to my Conrad-Johnson amp, line stage, and phono stage.  My CD player in the main system is the peerless Luxman D-10X.  All current, top of the line and for my tastes unbeatable sounding equipment.  My main turntable in that system is a VPI HW40.  Anyway, I was able to satisfy myself that the equipment sounded very good, price not withstanding.  What I could not know in advance was how it would all sound together with different speakers in a new location.  Now that it is hooked up and has been running 24/7 for break in it is possible to report that it is unquestionably going to be a nice system.  It is still breaking in so I will wait before offering a critical evaluation.  It is in a dedicated sound room, which is a real luxury for me, but the room is hard with hardwood floor, solid wood paneling floor to ceiling on 2 sides, a stone fireplace on another side wall, and although there is not an abundance of glass, the back wall has a rather large picture window that opposes the speakers.  Dimensions are approximately 25'x18' with a shed ceiling 12'h at one end and 9'h at the other.  Anyway, I am still waiting for IsoAcoustics footers to arrive for the speakers.  The supplied spikes cannot be used on a hardwood floor.  I am also waiting for ordered jumper cables from Audio Sensibility.  None were in the box from B&W.  So I need some advice:  I've never messed with jumper cables before.  Currently I have jury rigged up connectors with generic crap wire.  I am getting impatient and running out of time.  I smell customs problem has my cables bolixed.  Should I go get some new 12 gauge wire and make some up?  Also, the system has been running continuously for 9 days and counting.  How much more time do you think break in should take? 

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It's always a very exciting time setting up a new system, or relocating an old one. 


Your room seems to be acoustically bright, it might benefit from some dampening.  Lots of people here who know more than me who will be able to advise if you have questions, there is a forum for it: https://www.stereonet.com/forums/forum/222-room-acoustics-construction-and-design/


Many people with wooden floors will use spikes resting on a small coin, you can buy some turned disks made for this purpose (they have an indent in the centre for the spike to rest in).  I would expect the IsoAcoustics feet you've ordered to be better anyway, I couldn't believe the difference Gaia's made for my speakers.

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Thanks for your note.  It is exciting to put a whole system together at one time.  Right at the moment I am a bit frustrated trying to get it dialed in.  The Gaia feet are finally on the way, but I still don't know when to expect them.  You are right about them, they make quite a difference.  I have been using them on both my speakers and two turntables on my main system.  It is difficult for me to wait for things, but this is the way of it in a rural setting.  Call to order, wait for call backs, call again and again and again etc.  I am also waiting on interconnects for the speakers that were supposed to be here almost 2 weeks ago, found out today they got sent to my main address instead of to here.  So we try again.  Meantime everything is getting broken in nicely.  I am discovering that the B&W 802s have a very forward projection compared to the speakers I am more used to.  I am sitting back about 12' and think I need to move back perhaps another foot or two.  I don't want to re-arrange the room until I have all the bits sorted, though, so I am sure of the need.  The room is a bit hard.  I might need to do something to soften it, but I don't like the looks of panels.  Maybe a Navajo rug or something.  Again it is too early to tell, doing acoustic stuff has to wait until the system is more sorted.  I am finding the sound of the AT20 cartridge quite good, even in my old TT.  It might not be state of the art, but then the whole idea was to not get all wrapped up chasing the elusive holy grail of audio perfection.  This system is very good.

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