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I don't disagree with anything Darko said in that video. It's more what he did not say or IMO did not place enough emphasis on. 


1. The RT60 target can be achieved with normal room furnishing for most people. 

2. RT60 targets vary depending on room volume, application, and personal preference. His RT60 is 250ms, it is on the "dry" side, but might be appropriate for his room volume (smallish) and application (reviewing hifi gear). 

3. The topic of reflections is extremely controversial and there are experts lined up on either side who disagree. Darko presented one side of the argument, did not cover the opposing argument, so viewers might be misled into thinking there is expert consensus on the issue. 


The one thing he said that I emphatically agree on is that the room is that the most important component. The room dictates the choice of loudspeaker over any other consideration. You don't put Avantgarde Trios into tiny rooms, or use ProAc 1SC's in large rooms. 

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