Bringing you the finest vinyl sounds and celebrating the greatest records ever made, Mr Drayton’s Record Player is a celebration of all things vinyl.
Listen to classic albums as nature intended - no shuffle, no compression and no tinny little speakers.
Each album is accompanied with exciting visuals - enabling you to turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.
Join Mr Drayton to hear four albums across the two days.
Sensational Saturday:
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.
It’s 1972 and Dave’s just about to go stratospheric, aided and a betted by three blokes from Hull.
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours.
1977 In the midst of emotional turmoil and Californian excess the ‘Mac make one of the greatest albums ever.
Easy Like Sunday Morning:
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue.
Made in 1959, possibly the greatest record of the modern age. A classic.
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here.
How do you follow a global smash like The Dark Side of the Moon? By making a solid gold classic like Wish You Were Here.
Mr Drayton’s Record Player was established in 2012, bringing top quality sounds and low quality humour to a public desperate for the analogue experience.
Mr Drayton is a former BBC producer and presenter, MC, comedian and light entertainer. The Record Player has grooved across the North East of England, from its original home at the Tyneside Cinema, to Sage Gateshead, Baltic, Live Theatre, Durham Gala and Scunthorpe.